Monday, 4 October 2010

Danica Patrick 2010 posed for Play­boy, Maxim, FHM

Ouch! thats gonna leave a mark. Last week Dan­ica Patrick stunned the Indy 500 crowd by mak­ing excuses and say­ing “it’s not my fault” and going on about “the car is not good”. She has had a poor per­for­mance this May at Indainapo­lis Motor Speed­way and seems to be blam­ing her team for it. Although Danica’s skills are way beyond mine for dri­ving a race car, what has she really done as an actual race car dri­ver? She has one one race in the last 5 years, and I think that was one of those races in Idaho or Mon­tana? Or maybe it was Col­orado. I wouldn’t put it past the IRL that they had that race set up for her to win. Hey its good for rac­ing. She is pretty (kinda). She is good for the sport, she has turned into a glam­our model that has posed for Play­boy, Maxim, FHM and many more. I totally am lik­ing that! She is a Godaddy girl. Thats cool to, I buy stuff from godaddy, but not because of those girls. So I feel like Dan­ica should maybe just keep her mouth shut and drive. Give the team feed­back on the car and let the engi­neers han­dle it. If she wants this bad taste out of her mouth she should also quit try­ing to mas­sage what she said verse what she meant. Just admit you were wrong and ask your team to accept your apol­ogy gracefully.

I have self sab­o­taged myself many times in my sports career as you just did, so I can relate.

Below is some Dan­ica Patrick eye candy for my readers.….enjoy ;~)

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Danica Patrick In FHM

Dan­ica Patrick In FHM

Glamour Model Danica Patrick Booed At Indy 500 danica patrick spread fhm

Dan­ica Patrick Spread In FHM

Danica Patrick In Sports Illustrated

Dan­ica Patrick In Sports Illustrated

Danica Patrick

Dan­ica Patrick hmmmm

Danica Patrick

Dan­ica Patrick Shoots For Firestone

Danica Patrick Topless

Dan­ica Patrick Topless

Danica Patrick Japan

I was WAY off, she won her only race in Japan.

Danica Patrick
Danica Patrick
Danica Patrick
Danica Patrick
Danica Patrick