Thursday, 28 April 2011

Mad Vandals Fill Airbrushed Range Rover with…Insulating Foam

The owner of this airbrushed Land Rover Range Rover was in for an unexpected and definitely unwanted surprise when his parked luxurious SUV became the victim of vandalism committed by unknown individuals. The incident presumably took place somewhere in Russia.

The artsy troublemakers not only spray painted the Range Rover and broke several components such as the bumpers and lights, but –get this- they also filled all visible openings including the doors, hood and the rear hatch as well as the alloy wheels with insulating foam!

The only piece of evident, if you can call it that, is an odd message on the rear hatch window that reads “Thelema 666 is make me sick. Is a star. What a f***?” Follow the jump for more photos of the SUV before and after the attack.

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